Do You Use Social Media?

37% of Shoppers Use Social Media to Influence Their Purchases

Have you ever wondered what influences customers to buy online? Global Consumer Insights conducted a survey in 2018 to help highlight these influences. 34% rely on individual retailer websites, 32% use price comparison websites, and 11% use blogs.

More 2018 Stats

80% of Consumers Had a Better Perception of Retailers That Offered Mobile Coupons

96% of Americans Have Made an Online Purchase in their Life

On an Average, Businesses Generate $6.50 For Every $1 Invested in Influencer Marketing

Most Midsize to Large Organizations Average Less than 5,000 Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) Per Month

For Every $92 Spent Acquiring Customers, only $1 is Spent Converting Them

48% of People Cited That a Websites Design is the No. 1 Factor in Determining the Credibility of a Business

Gmail is the Most Popular Email Platform, Commanding 46.77% of the Marketshare

Emails with a Single Call-to-Action Increased Clicks 371%

When Landing Pages Don’t Ask for Age, the Conversion Rate is Higher

More than Three-Quarters of Online Shoppers Would Like their Orders Shipped the Same Day

More Stats

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