Our sales strategy is accelerating success with a cutting-edge platform and continuous performance improvements

Insivia is a growth consultancy and agency specializing in increasing topline revenue for SaaS and technology companies.

Strategy Consulting       Conversion Optimization      Proposal Design

Digital Sales Room Development      Personalized Sales Experiences

Watch this testimonial to learn how Tony Zayas, Chief Revenue Officer at Insivia, doubled his team's close rates by using Saleslion. Or keep reading below for the full story.

The Client’s Needs

Insivia’s post-discovery process wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good either. They knew they could do better. It was just a matter of how.

They were looking to address three primary objectives:

  • Eliminate confusion regarding the solutions they offered.
  • Engage customers throughout the entire sales process.
  • Improve the accuracy of customer analytics.

Insivia created Saleslion looking for a new sales process that would quickly and more effectively articulate what it is that they offered, provide a more engaged customer journey, to ultimately close more deals.

Since Insivia offers a wide range of services from web design to search optimization and positioning, they have struggled to clearly articulate to customers the exact solution they offer.

Insivia developed Saleslion to solve the challenge of customer engagement, providing clarity along the way, and helping drive more business.

With Saleslion, Insivia’s close rate is now 49%.

“We've consistently improved our close rate. Companies like ours [oftentimes] have a 20% close rate or something like that. We've just seen ours consistently go up.”

Andy Halko, CEO and Co-Founder of Insivia

Personalized Pages

Clean, simple, and modern.

Interactive boards and animated videos now allow the prospects to immediately visually understand what Insivia does and take more ownership of their sales experience.

Additionally, custom pages that include the brand colors and logos of each customer allow prospects to feel valued and seen throughout the whole sales process.

Custom Interactive Boards

Insivia has multiple solutions to offer including positioning, web design, conversion, marketing, sales, UI/UX, and retention.

They needed a way to deliver the most accurate pricing information possible to the prospect for each of their solutions.

Our editable solutions boards and pricing calculators allow customers to specifically select what solutions they want from Insivia.

Using this information, Insivia can deliver accurate pricing to its customers early on in the sales process.

Accurate Analytics

Unlocking customer insights through data-driven analytics.

Precise data and analytics now allow Insivia to track prospect behavior in real-time so in order to make better, more informed decisions throughout the whole sales process.

By leveraging this data-driven approach, Insivia is able to maximize its impact and generate more successful outcomes for the company.

The Outcome

Saleslion created a bold, engaging software that instantly increased conversion rates.

The new sales platform that Insivia uses creates a better experience for customers, increased engagement, and improved close rates.

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