Interactive Sales Experiences

Remote Selling

Interactive Sales Experiences

Great interaction is something everyone looks forward to, especially your customers. The emotions you spark in people determine how they perceive you or your brand. You want to make them feel important because they are.

However, something may be missing if you haven't been meeting your desired sales forecast, and that may be providing an interactive sales experience.

Are you excited about learning how to use interactive sales experiences to gain more loyal customers that stay loyal?

It’s simple; anyone can do it. So, let’s show you how!

Check out these techniques for promoting an interactive sales experience for your clients:


Interactive videos are trending for the right reasons. Everyone walks away happy – you get the opportunity to expand your reach, and your consumer walks away with more knowledge and awareness about your brand.

The best part is that there are many ways to create and upload an interactive video. Your options include:


A video hotspot is a way to control how your viewer reacts to your content. These are points that you strategically mark out in your videos.

They give your viewer more engaging content in the form of links to a website or another video. Perhaps it is a promise to show them how to solve a problem. Or, it could be a link directing them to where they can take a survey or assessment to determine if there is a problem. This common technique is popular on video apps like YouTube. YouTube is a great place to grow awareness about your brand, and statistics can prove it.

In a survey by Think with Google in 2019, it was discovered that 90 percent of brand growth occurs through a global platform like YouTube.

360-Degree Videos

360-degree videos are a terrific way to generate sales by exciting your customers with a video that allows them to interact with your brand better. You can use this technique if you sell artwork, clothing, or even interior designing services.

Here is a little piece of advice. Consider the following prompts before using a 360-degree video for your content:

1. What is the purpose? 

Aside from generating leads and converting them to sales, you need to determine the purpose of your video. Of course, you want it to be interactive, but what other message does it pass?

More importantly, is it appropriate for your audience? Can it provide information and entertain?

2. Can It Provide an Interactive Experience?

Remember, the purpose is to create an interactive experience for your clients. Although 360-degree videos are rising in popularity, not many brands use them. Take advantage of that but use this technique appropriately.

Ensure that a 360-degree video is ideal for the type of content you’re selling. Don’t just do it because it is an upcoming interactive sales trend (it works best for businesses that sell artwork, adventure experiences, guided tours, or activities that require active movement.)

3. Determine the Goal 

Be goal driven. Take charge. Determine the emotions you want your audience to experience. If you are going through the trouble of creating a 360-degree video, determine what you want the goal to be and tailor your content around it.

For instance, do you want to increase ticket sales to a conference you’re organizing? A 360-degree video of the venue, participants, guest speakers, and highlights of your previous conference can change minds.

Start taking advantage of the power of video. Videos are great at converting cold leads into sales. Include a series of calls to action where appropriate and ensure you stick with the trend to create a video that makes a difference.

Make it interactive, humorous, witty, and personalized for your audience, regardless of your video type. Seventy-nine percent of marketers who aren’t already taking advantage of interactive videos for their brand plan to start soon.

Quizzes, Assessments, and Polls

Quizzes, assessments, and polls are mediums that throw a series of questions to prospective buyers.

It is important to tailor these questions to be interactive, engaging, and easy to respond to. Use the information to determine what your market needs, and give it to them!


The essence of an infographic is to convey a sales message without losing your audience’s attention. And instead of using words, you use images that can easily be understood.

According to Hubspot, including infographics in blog posts led to 72 percent higher viewership generation than those that didn't. And the best part is that this type of content is easy to come up with.

People are more likely to remember visual images than words. Our brains are wired that way. For example, statistics show that visual aids can improve classroom comprehension by 400 percent.


Surveys are popular in the marketing world. It is an interactive method that tells your audience that you’re aware and ready to improve areas that need improvement.

Throw in engaging questions that will make customers want to interact with you.

Use surveys to inform those who take it that there is a solution to their problem.


You can make great sales by organizing webinars for prospective clients. This allows broader participation and a session that leads to an interactive sales experience.

Have you got the knowledge? Share it with others but provide the answers in a format that serves you.

Encourage the audience to ask questions so you can answer them in a way that's favorable to your brand.


Build a calculator that drives people to your website.

Are you an online loan service? Develop an app that helps people calculate interest rates.

Do you sell houses? Suppose your website has a calculator that helps people determine the price range for homes they can rent within their salary bracket. This will direct more people to your site because you’re already providing some value and experience up front.

A little bit of free help and expertise can go a long way toward strengthening your brand, and getting people to reach out for more!

Tips for an Interactive Sales Experience

1. Give them a one-of-a-kind experience

An interactive sales experience involves enough engagement on the part of both parties. You want it to be fun for you and your customers, so consider your niche and what they would love to experience from your brand.

If you are providing a service in a particular industry, it is because you know what is needed. You see the lack and have the solution to that scarcity.

Therefore, personalize the experience for your customers. Give them a way to enjoy your service maximally, in a way that no other brand can, because they don’t have your creativity.

How can you personalize an interactive sales experience and get your consumers asking for more? This is a question you alone can answer.

2. Know who you're selling to

You must know what your customers want or need to succeed in your desired field. However, interactive selling is more manageable and will be more successful if you know more than the surface information.

Personal experience goes a long way. People rarely stay loyal to a single brand but will return based on how you make them feel. Connect with them like they are your friends, and you will create a great business relationship.

3. Educate your Consumers

There must be some unclear things about your goods or services, questions that often plague users. If you aren’t organizing an interactive question and answer session, you should be publishing educational content.

It can be through storytelling or even a short infographic content that solves one or two problems with your products or services.


To create an interactive sales experience, you must learn to make it about the customer as much as it is about the product. Involve the other party by providing attractive triggers that encourage them to engage with your brand.

You can achieve that intimate level of personalization that keeps them coming back by doing enough research about your audience and giving them what they want, as they want it.

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