
Top API Integrations for eCommerce

There is a battle between brick-and-mortar stores and eCommerce. In this silent war, online retail is quickly gaining the upper hand.

The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Shops Part 2: How to Get Started

If you own an e-commerce store, you should also consider selling your products on platforms like Amazon, Etsy, and even Facebook.

The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Shops Part 1: What are Facebook Shops?

The vision of the social media giant is to build the infrastructure for entrepreneurs to sell products through Whatsapp, Messenger, and Instagram Direct in the future.

Creating an eCommerce Strategy for Magneto

Hands down, Magneto is one of the world’s most popular eCommerce platforms.

Getting Feedback and Evolving Your Configurator

Analyzing your product configurator can provide you tons of valuable insights regarding what your company’s audience likes and what it does not. However, sometimes you need more.

Marketing & Promoting Your Product Configurator

A product configurator is an excellent upgrade for any ecommerce platform; however, to ensure that it provides you a decent amount of customer conversions, there are a few elements that must be addressed.

Integrating A Configurator Into Your eCommerce Site

Quite a lot of companies have bought into the product configurator hype. This is particularly true for companies with ecommerce stores. They greatly benefit from product configurators

Custom Coded Versus Off-The-Shelf Configurators

Around 36 percent of customers show interest in personalized services and products.

Designing Your eCommerce Configurator User Experience

A configurator’s user experience is its soul. Without it, the configurator will be useless and will not tempt any user to buy a product.

Planning Your eCommerce Configurator’s Functionality

ARTICLEPlanning Your eCommerce Configurator’s FunctionalityA product configurator’s functionality could make or break how the users perceive it. Therefore, the best way to approach working on its functionality would be to […]

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