Sales Tactics

How top performers close more deals?

Top Performers’ Discovery Calls 76% Longer and Presentation Meetings 55% Longer than Average Performers

In the world of sales, top performers always seem to have an edge over their average counterparts. They seem to close more deals, build stronger relationships with clients, and ultimately drive more revenue for their organizations. One of the ...

How can sales reps shift their language to emphasize collaboration and increase their chances of success?

The Power of Collaborative Language in Sales: Why Using “We” and “Us” is More Effective

In the world of sales, it’s not just what you say, but how you say it that matters. Sales reps who use collaborative language, such as “we” and “us,” are 10 times more likely to be successful than those who use ...

What impact can being marked as spam have on a sales professional's ability to connect with potential customers?

69% of recipients report spam based only on the subject line

In today’s fast-paced business world, email remains a primary tool for sales outreach. However, with inboxes flooded with hundreds of emails every day, it’s becoming increasingly challenging to grab a prospect’s attention and get...

Are you part of the 21% of sales reps not using a CRM to track sales?

Using a CRM to track sales is standard practice for 79% of sales reps

In the world of sales, time is money. Sales reps need to be efficient and effective in order to close deals and meet their targets. One tool that can help sales reps streamline their workflows and improve their performance is a customer ...

Do you Send Out Emails?

Emails with a Single Call-to-Action Increased Clicks 371%

I think the entire audience cooed when they heard this stat. To me, it’s surprising and it’s not, but it definitely proves that testing call-to-actions in your email marketing efforts can yield some insanely valuable data.

Ellie ...

Are your Sales Increased After Sending Emails?

Emails with a Single Call-to-Action Increased Sales 1617%

I think the entire audience cooed when they heard this stat. To me, it’s surprising and it’s not, but it definitely proves that testing call-to-actions in your email marketing efforts can yield some insanely valuable data.

Ellie ...

How Many Customers Research Online Before Buying?

81% of Shoppers Research their Product Online before Purchasing

GE Capital Retail Bank’s second annual Major Purchase Shopper Study has found that a growing number of consumers extensively research and compare prices and financing offers before making major purchases.

According to the study, 81% of ...

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