How can sales reps shift their language to emphasize collaboration and increase their chances of success?

10x more successful reps use collaborative words like "us," "we," and "our" and avoid "I" and "me" in their sales pitches


Sales Tactics


In the world of sales, it’s not just what you say, but how you say it that matters. Sales reps who use collaborative language, such as “we” and “us,” are 10 times more likely to be successful than those who use “I” and “me” when communicating with customers. In this article, we’ll explore why using collaborative language is more effective in sales and how you can incorporate it into your sales approach.

Why Collaborative Language Works

When you use collaborative language, you’re signaling to your prospect that you’re invested in their success. This can help build trust and create a sense of partnership between you and your prospect. It also shows that you understand the prospect’s needs and are committed to working with them to achieve their goals.

Using “we” and “us” also helps to shift the focus away from the salesperson and towards the customer. This is important because customers want to feel like they’re the center of attention and that the salesperson is there to help them. By using collaborative language, you’re emphasizing the shared goals and interests of both parties, which can help to build a stronger relationship with your prospect.

Collaborative Language in Action

Let’s look at an example of how collaborative language can be used in a sales conversation. Instead of saying, “I can offer you a 10% discount if you buy today,” you could say, “Let’s see what we can do to make this work for both of us.” This shifts the focus away from the salesperson and towards the customer, and emphasizes the idea that both parties are working towards a shared goal.

Another example might be, instead of saying “I can help you with that,” you could say “Let’s work together on this to find a solution.” This helps to establish a sense of collaboration between the sales rep and the customer, and emphasizes that both parties are working together towards a common goal.

How to Incorporate Collaborative Language into Your Sales Approach

If you’re not used to using collaborative language in your sales conversations, it can take some practice to get comfortable with it. Here are some tips to help you incorporate collaborative language into your sales approach:

  1. Practice active listening: To use collaborative language effectively, you need to be an active listener. Pay attention to your prospect’s needs, concerns, and goals, and use this information to shape your language.
  2. Use “we” and “us” instead of “I” and “me”: When describing your product or service, use “we” and “us” instead of “I” and “me.” This emphasizes the idea that you and your prospect are working together towards a common goal.
  3. Avoid negative language: Negative language, such as “I can’t” or “I won’t,” can be off-putting to prospects. Instead, focus on what you can do to help them and use positive language to convey your message.
  4. Practice, practice, practice: Like any new skill, using collaborative language takes practice. Role-play different scenarios with colleagues or friends to get more comfortable using “we” and “us” in your sales conversations.

Old habits die hard, but the use of language can make all the difference in the success of a sales representative. Incorporating more collaborative words such as “us,” “we,” and “our” can establish a stronger relationship with clients, making them feel more valued and invested in the sales process. By avoiding words like “I” and “me,” sales reps can shift the focus from themselves to the client, which can increase the likelihood of closing a deal. As the saying goes, “it takes two to tango,” and in the world of sales, collaboration is key to building long-lasting relationships with clients and achieving success.

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