Are you interested in Sales Navigator and other similar technologies? Do you think it's time to invest in them?

77% of sales professionals say their organization is planning to invest more in sales intelligence tools


Sales Strategy


Sales professionals are no strangers to the constantly changing landscape of their industry. The past few years have brought about new challenges and opportunities, with the COVID-19 pandemic only accelerating the need for adaptation and innovation. Amidst all these changes, one thing remains constant: the importance of sales intelligence tools.

According to the 2021 State of Sales Report by LinkedIn, 77% of sales professionals say that their organization is planning to invest more in sales intelligence tools. These tools are designed to help sales reps gather and analyze data about prospects, customers, and competitors, allowing them to make more informed decisions and drive more revenue.

The report also revealed that sales professionals are using more sales intelligence tools than ever before. In fact, the average sales rep now uses six different tools to support their selling efforts. This reflects the growing complexity of the sales landscape, as well as the need for sales reps to be more agile and adaptable in their approach.

Sales intelligence tools come in many different forms, from CRM systems to prospecting tools to competitive intelligence platforms. Some of the most popular tools include LinkedIn Sales Navigator, HubSpot CRM, and ZoomInfo. These tools help sales reps to:

Despite the clear benefits of sales intelligence tools, some organizations may be hesitant to invest in them due to concerns about cost or complexity. However, the report suggests that the benefits far outweigh the costs, with companies that invest in sales intelligence tools seeing higher win rates, faster sales cycles, and better alignment between sales and marketing.

In conclusion, the 2021 State of Sales Report by LinkedIn shows that sales intelligence tools are becoming increasingly important in today’s sales landscape. As sales professionals continue to face new challenges and opportunities, these tools will help them stay ahead of the curve and drive more revenue for their organizations.

If you’re interested in learning more about how sales intelligence tools can benefit your organization, consider scheduling a consultation with Saleslion. Our team of experts can help you identify the best tools and strategies for your unique needs, and help you implement them for maximum impact.

More 2021 Stats

A survey by LinkedIn found that 50% of buyers say that working remotely has made the purchasing process easier.

74% of CSOs report they have recently or are currently updating their seller skills profile for virtual selling, and 61% of CSOs are already investing in new technology to enable virtual selling.

According to a study by Salesforce, the total close rate for B2B deals increased by 10% in 2021 compared to the year before. This is due to an increase in remote selling and sales teams investing more time on proactive outreach.

Research from Bain and Company shows that 92% of B2B buyers prefer virtual sales interactions.

Over 66% of sales pros report their team will stay remote or work in the office part-time in the future.

91% of salespeople have indicated they don’t want to return to full-time office work when asked about their future career plans.

41.2% of sales reps say that their phone is the most effective tool for performing their jobs

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A study by GetAccept revealed that sales reps experienced a 40% improvement in win rates when using online proposal software.

According to a study by Salesforce, the average B2B deal size has grown by 20% in 2021 compared to 2020. This is likely due to companies increasing their spending as they look for more innovative solutions to solve their challenges.

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