Where do sellers want to work after COVID?

After COVID, 56% of sellers prefer working remote full time.

Vengreso asked sellers where would they like to work after COVID and 56% said remote full time.

Remote work has become a necessity for many businesses during the pandemic, and it may become the standard way of working in the future. Employers have seen firsthand how effective remote teams can be and are now considering making remote work a permanent option for their employees. Companies that take advantage of allowing employees to work remotely have seen significant improvements in productivity, staff retention, and cost savings. Remote work offers more flexibility for employees who want to manage their own schedules and spend less time in the office.

Therefore, virtual selling and online proposal are becoming increasingly important for businesses. As a result, it’s essential that you understand the tools available to help with the process.

Virtual selling tools can save time and money while still providing a great customer experience. For example, an online proposal software can help you quickly create customized presentations with no effort, helping you win more deals faster.

Additionally, you can use virtual collaboration tools to conduct meetings remotely and ensure successful communication between all stakeholders. Virtual selling and online proposal software can also be used to collect customer feedback and improve the quality of your product or service. With this, you’ll have a better understanding of your target market, helping you tailor your offerings accordingly.

Ultimately, virtual selling and online proposal software are invaluable tools that can help you increase sales and close more deals quickly.

More 2021 Stats

Companies that are experiencing the most growth generate 40% more of their revenue from tailored engagements than those expanding slowly.

74% of CSOs report they have recently or are currently updating their seller skills profile for virtual selling, and 61% of CSOs are already investing in new technology to enable virtual selling.

59% of sales reps said that adding custom-recorded video to their sales process increased their productivity.

41% of sales leaders report that their customers desire more digital communication

Research from Bain and Company shows that 92% of B2B buyers prefer virtual sales interactions.

83% of Sales Professionals Report Working on Weekends

Nearly 90% of sales reps emphasize the importance of anticipating customers’ needs

Analysts found that close to 80% of B2B buyers have already defined their requirements before talking to a rep and prefer evaluating digital resources to in-person presentations.

91% of salespeople have indicated they don’t want to return to full-time office work when asked about their future career plans.

In fact, 77% of sales leaders say their company’s digital transformation has accelerated since 2019.

More Sales Trends Stats

83% of Sales Professionals Report Working on Weekends

17% of salespeople did not attend college

Companies that are experiencing the most growth generate 40% more of their revenue from tailored engagements than those expanding slowly.

47% of Sales Professionals Don’t Cite Selling as Their Main Activity

71% of salespeople said they were conducting more than half their sales virtually.

77% of respondents said that their company provides at least a quarter of their leads

66% of sales reps say they’re drowning in tools

LinkedIn is the #1 social media platform for B2B leads.

77% of Sales Professionals Now Conducting More Video Meetings

44% of salespeople give up after one follow-up call.

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