Which social media platform is best for businesses?

LinkedIn is the #1 social media platform for B2B leads.

It is important for B2B businesses to get on LinkedIn because it allows you to reach potential customers and partners from all over the world in a very organized way. LinkedIn has access to data such as job titles, company affiliations, etc., making it easier for the business to target its market more precisely.

Additionally, LinkedIn offers a great platform for networking and collaboration, something that is not feasible in other platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. It also wins customer loyalty by providing personal connections with their customer base; this serves as an additional marketing tool.

All of these reasons make it important for B2B businesses to get on LinkedIn if they want to stay competitive and increase visibility and success in their industry.

More 2022 Stats

55% of sales reps say budget is the most common reason a promising deal falls through

43% of sales professionals say email is the most effective channel for selling.

Top Performers’ Discovery Calls 76% Longer and Presentation Meetings 55% Longer than Average Performers

There is a 70% greater likelihood of converting re-targeted visitors vs. those who are not

77% of respondents said that their company provides at least a quarter of their leads

55% of B2B buyers search for information on social media.

82% of top performers say they “always” perform research before reaching out to prospects, and report higher usage of sales technology across the board.

Top Performers Make 54% More Conversation Switches on Calls and 78% More in Presentations

40% of sales reps still use tools like Outlook or Excel to store customer and lead data

71 Words per Minute: The Surprising Speech Speed of Top Performers, Who Speak 6% Slower Than Their Peers

More Sales Trends Stats

According to HubSpot, the length of a sales cycle decreased by an average of 15% when virtual sales tools were used.

In fact, 77% of sales leaders say their company’s digital transformation has accelerated since 2019.

57% of C-level buyers prefer to be contacted via phone.

2% is the average success rate for cold calling

Today, 97% of consumers go online to research products and services.

66% of sales professionals say leads generated from customer referrals are the highest quality leads they work.

38% of sales leaders say their customers want to buy through e-commerce stores

47% of Sales Professionals Don’t Cite Selling as Their Main Activity

64% of sales professionals who cross-sell say email follow-up is the most effective cross-selling strategy.

77% of respondents said that their company provides at least a quarter of their leads

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