What percentage of leads do companies typically provide for their sales teams?

77% of respondents said that their company provides at least a quarter of their leads

A recent survey conducted by Sales Insights Lab has found that 77% of sales professionals rely on their company to provide at least a quarter of their leads. This statistic highlights the importance of effective lead generation strategies within organizations.

While it is common for sales professionals to generate their own leads through networking and prospecting, the survey suggests that a significant portion of leads come from company-generated sources. This underscores the need for companies to invest in marketing and lead generation efforts to support their sales teams.

However, relying solely on company-generated leads can also limit the potential for growth and success. Sales professionals should aim to supplement their leads with their own efforts, such as building their personal brand and networking outside of the company. By combining company-generated leads with their own efforts, sales professionals can increase their chances of success.

At Saleslion, we understand the importance of effective lead generation strategies and can provide customized solutions to help your company generate high-quality leads. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation.

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Customer referrals account for 54% of all B2B leads.

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In fact, 77% of sales leaders say their company’s digital transformation has accelerated since 2019.

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38% of sales leaders say their customers want to buy through e-commerce stores

40% of sales reps still use tools like Outlook or Excel to store customer and lead data

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