What percentage of salespeople fail to make even a single follow up attempt?

48% of salespeople never even make a single follow up attempt.


Sales Trends


Most businesses understand the importance of following up with customers after an initial contact has been made, but unfortunately many don’t take the time to properly execute it. According to research, 48 percent of salespeople never even make a single follow-up attempt—so understanding how companies can improve their strategy is key for any business that wants to increase their sales.

First and foremost, it’s important for businesses to segment their customer base according to relevant data points such as interests and buying habits in order ensure that each follow-up interacts with customers on a personal level. Additionally, salespeople should build relationships before moving on to closing any deals so that they gain more insight into what motivates each customer and can craft custom messages based on their needs.

When crafting follow-ups for potential or existing customers, it’s important for salespeople to focus on providing value instead of pushing products or services too aggressively. This means tailoring emails according to customer preferences while also including information about special offers or discounts where possible in order incentivize them sufficiently enough make a purchase.

It’s also important for companies keep track of the effectiveness of each campaign by regularly monitoring open rates as well as response rates in order identify areas where improvements can be made or which tactics are working best overall. Additionally, using automated processes like triggers can help save time by automating certain tasks such as sending out reminders if the purchase has not yet been completed – so this should be considered when setting up campaigns too.

In conclusion, having strong follow-up strategy is essential if businesses want maximize returns from every single sale – but it’s important for them make sure they’re doing everything correctly in order get results!

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