What is the significance of top performers making more conversation switches on calls and presentations?

171 Words per Minute: The Surprising Speech Speed of Top Performers, Who Speak 6% Slower Than Their Peers

According to recent research, top sales performers are proving that sometimes slow and steady wins the race. While some might assume that successful sales calls are all about speed, the data shows that taking a more measured approach can actually lead to better results.

One key factor that sets top performers apart is their speaking pace. The research found that while the rest of the team speaks at an average of around 182 words per minute, top performers take a more deliberate approach and speak at an average of about 171 words per minute. This slower pace allows them to better connect with prospects and engage in more meaningful conversations.

In addition to their pace, top performers also stand out for the amount of time they spend in discovery and presentation meetings. These sales calls are crucial for building relationships and closing deals, and top performers know that taking the time to truly understand a prospect’s needs can make all the difference. In fact, their discovery calls are 76% longer than those of average performers, and their presentation meetings are 55% longer.

But it’s not just about time – top performers also know how to make the most of every moment. They make 54% more conversation switches on calls and 78% more conversation switches in presentations, showing their ability to actively listen and respond to the needs of the prospect.

While it might seem counterintuitive, taking a slower and more deliberate approach can lead to better results in sales. By focusing on building relationships and truly understanding the needs of prospects, top performers are setting themselves up for long-term success.

So if you’re looking to improve your sales performance, take a cue from the top performers and slow down. By taking the time to truly listen and connect with prospects, you just might find that you’re able to close more deals and build more meaningful relationships in the process.

More 2022 Stats

43% of sales professionals say email is the most effective channel for selling.

57% of C-level buyers prefer to be contacted via phone.

Customer referrals account for 54% of all B2B leads.

B2B buyers are 57%-70% through buying research before contacting sales.

56% of sales professionals get leads from existing customer referrals.

The best time to make sales calls is within 1 hour of receiving their initial inquiry

72 percent of business leaders said that sales tool integrations are essential to retaining business and beating the competition.

LinkedIn is the #1 social media platform for B2B leads.

82% of top performers say they “always” perform research before reaching out to prospects, and report higher usage of sales technology across the board.

Top Performers’ Discovery Calls 76% Longer and Presentation Meetings 55% Longer than Average Performers

More Remote B2B Sales Stats

Research from Bain and Company shows that 92% of B2B buyers prefer virtual sales interactions.

50% of buyers say working remotely has made buying easier.

31% of sales pros find no significant difference between selling remotely and in-person

A survey by LinkedIn found that 50% of buyers say that working remotely has made the purchasing process easier.

Over 66% of sales pros report their team will stay remote or work in the office part-time in the future.

According to a Gartner survey, CSOs expect 60% of the sales force will remain operating virtual.

55% of B2B buyers search for information on social media.

73% of B2B executives agree that customers expect more personalization than they did a few years ago.

Only 15 percent of sales calls add enough value, according to executives surveyed.

28% of B2B organizations now have hybrid sales roles

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