How far along in the buying process are B2B buyers before they contact sales?

B2B buyers are 57%-70% through buying research before contacting sales


Remote B2B Sales


In today’s digital age, buyers have more information at their fingertips than ever before, and they’re taking advantage of it. This means that sales teams need to adapt their strategies to meet the needs of these informed buyers.

One of the most important things sales teams can do is to make sure that their online presence is strong and up-to-date. Buyers are doing their research online, so it’s essential that your website, social media accounts, and other online platforms are all optimized for search and provide the information buyers are looking for.

Another strategy is to focus on building relationships with potential buyers early on in the process. By offering helpful resources and establishing yourself as an expert in your field, you can build trust and credibility with buyers before they even make contact with your sales team.

Finally, it’s essential to be flexible and adaptable in your sales approach. B2B buyers have unique needs and preferences, and it’s important to be able to tailor your sales pitch and approach to meet those needs.

By understanding the changing landscape of B2B buying, sales teams can adapt their strategies and remain successful in an ever-evolving marketplace.

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71% of sales reps say that building personal rapport has a substantial impact on converting a prospect.

A survey by LinkedIn found that 50% of buyers say that working remotely has made the purchasing process easier.

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71% of salespeople are using social selling tools

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