How did the percentage of in-person sales change after pandemic compared to before?

In a recent McKinsey study, 61% of survey respondents said that, before the pandemic, they primarily sold their business' products through traditional in-person sales — that number has since fallen to 29%.

How did the use of sales methods change after pandemic?

According to a recent McKinsey study, traditional in-person sales methods have taken a dramatic dive among survey respondents. Before the pandemic, 61% of participants reported that they typically sold their company products through this method; now, only 29% still do so. This shift is indicative of a larger trend towards embracing digital sales solutions, such as video conferencing, virtual meetings, and increased e-commerce presence. Companies that have successfully adapted to this emerging landscape were typically those with more experience in the digital space prior to the pandemic. As a result, traditional brick-and-mortar businesses have had to change their approach in order to remain competitive in a rapidly changing market.

More 2022 Stats

LinkedIn is the #1 social media platform for B2B leads.

40% of sales reps still use tools like Outlook or Excel to store customer and lead data

60% of customers say no four times before saying yes.

82% of top performers say they “always” perform research before reaching out to prospects, and report higher usage of sales technology across the board.

48% of salespeople never even make a single follow up attempt.

66% of sales professionals say leads generated from customer referrals are the highest quality leads they work.

8% of salespeople say that their sales teams generate high-quality leads

Sales enablement initiatives increased sales for 76% of companies by 6%-20%

72 percent of business leaders said that sales tool integrations are essential to retaining business and beating the competition.

The best time to make sales calls is within 1 hour of receiving their initial inquiry

More Sales Trends Stats

40% of sales reps still use tools like Outlook or Excel to store customer and lead data

Top Performers Have 63% Less Focus on Product Features

According to HubSpot, the length of a sales cycle decreased by an average of 15% when virtual sales tools were used.

In fact, 77% of sales leaders say their company’s digital transformation has accelerated since 2019.

57% of C-level buyers prefer to be contacted via phone.

61% believe that salespeople are underappreciated

47% of Sales Professionals Don’t Cite Selling as Their Main Activity

Salespeople Unhappy Despite Meeting Targets

56% of sales professionals get leads from existing customer referrals.

38% of sales leaders say their customers want to buy through e-commerce stores

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