How much of leads for sale professionals come from customer referrals?

56% of sales professionals get leads from existing customer referrals.

Word of mouth is one of the most powerful marketing tools available to any business. According to recent research, 56% of sales professionals say that existing customer referrals are a major source for generating new leads.

The power of customer referrals lies in its directness and trustworthiness – customers who have experienced the product or service being offered are more likely to recommend it to others as opposed to cold outreach campaigns. This creates an ideal situation for businesses where they can effectively target potential buyers who have a higher chance of turning into real customers.

In addition, referrals also provide companies with valuable feedback about their products and services. By having direct conversations with clients who have used their products, businesses can better understand how customers perceive their offerings and what improvements can be made in order to maximize conversions in the long run.

Besides providing feedback, customer referrals are also great for generating word-of-mouth buzz which can then be leveraged by companies to expand their reach further beyond existing customers. This helps businesses increase brand recognition while simultaneously attracting potential buyers due to increased visibility in the market.

In conclusion, existing customer referrals remain an important source for obtaining new leads and should not be overlooked when designing a sound sales strategy. Companies must ensure that they capitalize on this powerful marketing tool by making sure that all customer interactions are positive and memorable in order to maintain good relations and improve chances for future business opportunities.

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48% of salespeople never even make a single follow up attempt.

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According to HubSpot, the length of a sales cycle decreased by an average of 15% when virtual sales tools were used.

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