What are things we can implement to shorten the sales cycle?

According to HubSpot, the length of a sales cycle decreased by an average of 15% when virtual sales tools were used.

What virtual sales tools are available to speed up the sales cycle?

With an increasingly competitive landscape, companies need to find new ways to stand out and make their products more attractive. One way to do this is by speeding up the length of the sales cycle. However, many companies may not know how to take advantage of digital technology in order to shorten their cycles.

By leveraging digital technology and automation, companies can streamline the sales process, reduce human error and remove manual labour from the mix. This will allow them to quickly gather customer data and create personalised experiences that boost customer engagement and conversion rates. Automated marketing campaigns can also be used to target audiences with relevant content, increasing brand loyalty and awareness.According to HubSpot, virtual selling tools like CRMs, video conferencing and webinars can significantly reduce the length of your sales cycle and help you close deals more quickly. This article will explore different types of virtual selling tools, their benefits and how you can start using them today.

Despite the potential time and money savings, many sales teams are still reluctant to embrace virtual selling. Common objections include security concerns and difficulty in establishing relationships with remote buyers. However, with adequate preparation, a comprehensive understanding of best practices and the right set of tools, businesses can successfully transition to virtual selling for maximum results.

More 2020 Stats

40% of all customer interactions will be automated through AI and machine learning by 2023

39% of companies don’t regularly ask customers for feedback about their interactions

61% of customers believe that surprise gifts and offers are the best way to engage customers

Omni-Channel Engagement Preferred by Almost 78% of Customers

Why 40% of Sales Professionals Didn’t Achieve Their Revenue Goals in 2020

B2B Companies Achieve 63% Lower Customer Attrition and 55% Higher Share of Wallet in B2B Engagement

71% of salespeople said they were conducting more than half their sales virtually.

77% of B2B buyers reported that their latest purchase was either “Difficult” or “Very Complex”

77% of Sales Professionals Now Conducting More Video Meetings

77% of B2B decision-makers prefer video meetings over phone calls with vendors

More Sales Trends Stats

77% of Sales Professionals Now Conducting More Video Meetings

61% believe that salespeople are underappreciated

In a recent McKinsey study, 61% of survey respondents said that, before the pandemic, they primarily sold their business’ products through traditional in-person sales — that number has since fallen to 29%.

Nearly 13% of all the jobs in the U.S. are full time sales positions

60% of customers say no four times before saying yes.

Today, 97% of consumers go online to research products and services.

83% of Sales Professionals Report Working on Weekends

Sales enablement initiatives increased sales for 76% of companies by 6%-20%

In fact, 77% of sales leaders say their company’s digital transformation has accelerated since 2019.

64% of sales professionals who cross-sell say email follow-up is the most effective cross-selling strategy.

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