How can remote selling incrase sales closing rates?

According to a study by Salesforce, the total close rate for B2B deals increased by 10% in 2021 compared to the year before. This is due to an increase in remote selling and sales teams investing more time on proactive outreach.

How can sales teams use the results of this study to increase their sales close rates?

The Salesforce State of B2B Sales 2021 report highlights the importance of investing time in proactive outreach, training sales reps on remote selling strategies, and technology investments. The report also finds that the total close rate for B2B deals increased by 10% in 2021 compared to the year before.

Additionally, the report identifies digital transformation within sales teams as a key factor in driving success. Nearly half of B2B buyers say their companies are at least partially transforming their selling strategies to involve more digital channels. By utilizing digital strategies such as live chat and email campaigns, sales reps can easily reach prospects and provide product information quickly—making it easier to close deals faster from anywhere.

By leveraging the insights from this study, sales teams can learn how to respond accordingly and make improvements that will help them reach their desired goal: higher close rates. Here are ways that sales teams can use this data to boost their B2B close rates.

First, sales teams must have a thorough understanding of their target market. Who are they selling to? What concerns do their customers have? What solutions do they provide? Once sales teams understand their buyers and the problems they’re trying to solve, they can craft a message that speaks directly to these needs. This can help them build stronger relationships with potential buyers and establish trust, which is an essential element of closing more B2B deals.

More 2021 Stats

41% of sales leaders report that their customers desire more digital communication

Only 32% of sales pros report that a virtual sales process requires more meetings to close deals.

In fact, 77% of sales leaders say their company’s digital transformation has accelerated since 2019.

Over 66% of sales pros report their team will stay remote or work in the office part-time in the future.

According to a research conducted by Salesforce, 61% of sellers say it’s harder to sell virtually.

41.2% of sales reps say that their phone is the most effective tool for performing their jobs

59% of sales reps said that adding custom-recorded video to their sales process increased their productivity.

Remote Sales Management: 67% Find It More Challenging Than Expected

69% of buyers have accepted cold calls from new providers

A study by GetAccept revealed that sales reps experienced a 40% improvement in win rates when using online proposal software.

More Sales Trends Stats

In a recent McKinsey study, 61% of survey respondents said that, before the pandemic, they primarily sold their business’ products through traditional in-person sales — that number has since fallen to 29%.

77% of Sales Professionals Now Conducting More Video Meetings

47% of Sales Professionals Don’t Cite Selling as Their Main Activity

2% is the average success rate for cold calling

57% of C-level buyers prefer to be contacted via phone.

64% of sales professionals who cross-sell say email follow-up is the most effective cross-selling strategy.

56% of sales professionals get leads from existing customer referrals.

43% of sales professionals say email is the most effective channel for selling.

In fact, 77% of sales leaders say their company’s digital transformation has accelerated since 2019.

Today, 97% of consumers go online to research products and services.

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