What percentage of B2B buyers prefer virtual sales interactions?

Research from Bain and Company shows that 92% of B2B buyers prefer virtual sales interactions.

How does the surge in demand for remote sales affect businesses?

According to a recent joint survey from Bain & Company and Dynata, 92% of B2B buyers now prefer virtual sales interactions, which is an increase of 17 points from the same survey in 2020.

Virtual interaction through web meetings, video conferencing, or other remote communication methods make it easier for buyers to research and compare different vendors. Moreover, virtual interactions also speed up the buying process by helping buyers quickly identify the right product or service and narrow down their shortlist.

Online proposal software is a great way to streamline the process of creating and delivering proposals. It allows buyers to quickly access information about vendors, compare different options, and make an informed decision. The software also helps sellers create professional-looking proposals that are tailored to the buyer’s needs.

Online proposal software can also help sellers track the progress of their proposals and monitor customer feedback. This helps them identify areas for improvement and make sure that their proposals are meeting the buyer’s expectations. Additionally, online proposal software can be used to automate certain tasks such as sending out reminders or follow-up emails to buyers.

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