Sales Strategy

How does spending an hour or more on data entry every day affect the productivity and performance of sales reps?

32% of sales reps spend an hour or more on data entry every day

Sales reps have to juggle multiple tasks throughout their workday, from prospecting and follow-ups to conducting demos and closing deals. But one task that often goes unnoticed is data entry. According to a study by HubSpot, 32% of sales reps ...

Are you interested in Sales Navigator and other similar technologies? Do you think it's time to invest in them?

77% of sales professionals say their organization is planning to invest more in sales intelligence tools

Sales professionals are no strangers to the constantly changing landscape of their industry. The past few years have brought about new challenges and opportunities, with the COVID-19 pandemic only accelerating the need for adaptation and ...

How can sales professionals prevent budget from being the most common reason for a promising deal to fall through?

55% of sales reps say budget is the most common reason a promising deal falls through

As businesses strive to increase their revenue, sales teams play a crucial role in driving growth. However, even the most skilled sales reps encounter challenges in closing deals. According to a survey by Sales Insights Lab, 55% of sales reps say ...

What are some effective strategies for closing sales deals?

36% of salespeople say that closing is the hardest part of their job

In the world of sales, closing is the ultimate goal. It’s the moment when all of the hard work and effort pays off, and the deal is sealed. But for many salespeople, closing is the most challenging part of their job. According to a recent ...

What strategies can sales professionals use to effectively engage with potential clients on LinkedIn?

70% of sales professionals are most active on LinkedIn compared to other social media

LinkedIn has become a vital platform for sales professionals to connect with potential clients and grow their network. According to a report by LinkedIn, 70% of sales professionals are most active on LinkedIn compared to other social media ...

What strategies can businesses use to leverage the power of referrals and increase their sales success rates?

84% of B2B buyers start the purchasing process with a referral

Referrals are becoming an increasingly important part of the B2B sales process. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, 84% of B2B buyers start the purchasing process with a referral, not with a salesperson. This means that referrals have...

How can businesses effectively leverage referrals to build trust and increase customer acquisition?

92% of consumers trust referrals from people they know

In today’s world, consumers are bombarded with advertisements and marketing messages everywhere they turn. With so much noise in the marketplace, it can be challenging for salespeople to cut through the clutter and connect with potential ...

What impact does the increasing preference for smartphone email opens have on email marketing strategies?

81% of people prefer to open emails on their smartphones

Email marketing is a crucial part of any sales strategy. To ensure that your emails are getting opened and read, it’s important to keep up with email marketing trends. One trend that has become increasingly important is mobile optimization. ...

How has the rise of social media and messaging platforms impacted the effectiveness of email in customer acquisition?

Email is almost 40 times better at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter

Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses looking to acquire new customers. In fact, according to a study by McKinsey & Company, email is almost 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined when it comes to customer ...

What is the opinion of sales leaders regarding the importance of tracking proposals sent as a productivity metric?

54% of sales leaders say proposals sent is one of the most important productivity metrics to track

According to a recent survey of sales leaders, 54% believe that tracking the number of proposals sent is crucial for measuring productivity. This metric is seen as an indicator of a sales team’s overall activity level and engagement with ...

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