How can B2B sales reps overcome the perception of being unprepared and increase their chances of success?

82% of B2B decision-makers think sales reps are unprepared

As the B2B landscape becomes more competitive, sales reps are facing increased pressure to close deals and generate revenue. However, according to a survey, 82% of B2B decision-makers believe that sales reps are unprepared to effectively engage ...

How are sales managers coping with the challenges of overseeing a remote sales team?

Remote Sales Management: 67% Find It More Challenging Than Expected

As the COVID-19 pandemic forced many companies to adopt remote work policies, sales teams were no exception. While working from home offers flexibility and convenience, it has also presented challenges for sales managers tasked with overseeing ...

What are the common reasons why sales reps fail to meet their quotas?

Only 60% of sales reps meet quota

As a salesperson, meeting and exceeding your quota is one of the most important metrics to measure success. However, studies have shown that only 60% of sales reps meet their quota. This can be a frustrating reality for many sales teams, but ...

How can businesses effectively use cold calling to reach new customers and increase their sales?

69% of buyers have accepted cold calls from new providers

As a journalist covering the world of sales, it’s important to understand the tactics and strategies that lead to success in this industry. One surprising statistic that often catches people off guard is the fact that 69% of buyers have ...

How Are Hybrid Sales Roles Changing the B2B Landscape?

28% of B2B organizations now have hybrid sales roles

Sales roles are evolving, and the rise of hybrid sales roles is a clear example of this trend. According to a recent study by Pipedrive, 28% of B2B organizations now have hybrid sales roles, which combine the responsibilities of both inside and ...

Are Sales Professionals Sacrificing Their Weekends for Success?

83% of Sales Professionals Report Working on Weekends

Sales professionals are known for their hard work and dedication to achieving sales goals. However, a recent statistic from Pipedrive, a customer relationship management platform, reveals that this dedication often extends to the weekends. In ...

How much money spent for digital lead generation advertising in the United States in 2021?

In 2021, digital lead generation advertising spending in the United States was estimated at 4.6 billion U.S. dollars.

The importance of digital marketing in today’s business world is undeniable. Companies need to make sure they’re leveraging the right strategies in order to stay ...

Are videos effective sales tools?

59% of sales reps said that adding custom-recorded video to their sales process increased their productivity.

Adding custom-recorded videos to a sales process can have a positive effect on productivity. Having a personal connection to potential buyers helps customers feel connected on...

Is the use of video in sales processes effective?

66% of teams were satisfied with the results that they are getting from using custom-recorded video in their sales processes.

Custom-recorded videos can be an incredibly helpful tool to give sales reps a more personal way to sell, which often leads to increased conversions. Custom-recorded video also...

What tools are sales teams using in their sales processes?

49% of teams are using video as part of their sales process.

Video is becoming increasingly popular as a sales tool, with nearly half of all teams now using it as part of their process. With video, you can easily connect with prospects ...

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