Sales Trends

Can your sales team keep up with the digital selling trend?

77% of Sales Professionals Now Conducting More Video Meetings

In the era of the pandemic, sales professionals have been forced to embrace new ways of selling. The trend of digital selling has taken off, and now, according to recent statistics, 77% of sales professionals are conducting more video meetings ...

Do Sales Agents Struggle to Get Responses from Prospects Now More Than Ever?

40% say getting response from prospects harder now than 3 years ago.

According to a recent survey, 40% of sales agents have reported that getting a response from prospects is much harder now than it was three years ago. This data indicates a significant change in the sales industry and presents new challenges for ...

How can sales leaders help their teams avoid feeling overwhelmed by the abundance of sales tools available?

66% of sales reps say they’re drowning in tools

As the world becomes increasingly digital, the number of tools available to sales reps to help them do their job effectively has also grown. While these tools can be incredibly helpful in increasing productivity and efficiency, a recent survey ...

How can salespeople achieve their targets and still find job satisfaction?

Salespeople Unhappy Despite Meeting Targets

Sales is a highly competitive field, and achieving sales targets is a significant accomplishment. However, recent surveys have shown that even those who achieve their goals are not necessarily happy with their current positions. In fact, 46% of ...

What could be the potential consequences if salespeople's contributions continue to be underappreciated despite the crucial role they play in driving business growth and revenue?

61% believe that salespeople are underappreciated

Salespeople are often regarded as the backbone of a company’s revenue stream, but despite their crucial role, many people still believe that they are underappreciated. In a recent survey conducted by Pipedrive, it was revealed that 61% of ...

How do salespeople view their role in the global economic recovery from COVID-19?

Salespeople’s Optimism for Economic Recovery from COVID-19

Salespeople worldwide have faced significant challenges over the past year, but they remain optimistic about their role in the global economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a recent survey, 92% of salespeople believe they will ...

Are Sales Professionals Sacrificing Their Weekends for Success?

83% of Sales Professionals Report Working on Weekends

Sales professionals are known for their hard work and dedication to achieving sales goals. However, a recent statistic from Pipedrive, a customer relationship management platform, reveals that this dedication often extends to the weekends. In ...

Are Sales Professionals Moving Away from Selling as Their Main Activity?

47% of Sales Professionals Don’t Cite Selling as Their Main Activity

Sales professionals are a diverse group, working in various industries and fulfilling different roles. However, a recent statistic from Pipedrive, a customer relationship management platform, reveals that only 53% of sales professionals report ...

How do sales professionals rate the quality of leads generated from customer referrals?

66% of sales professionals say leads generated from customer referrals are the highest quality leads they work.

Customer referrals are a powerful tool for boosting sales and generating leads for any business. Recent research shows that 66% of sales professionals believe leads generated ...

How much of leads for sale professionals come from customer referrals?

56% of sales professionals get leads from existing customer referrals.

Word of mouth is one of the most powerful marketing tools available to any business. According to recent research, 56% of sales professionals say that existing customer ...

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