What if a Website is Ugly?

38% of people will leave a website if they find the layout unattractive



38% of people will leave a website if they find the layout unattractive

More 2019 Stats

Average Click-thru Rate of Newsletter Campaigns from Ecommerce Stores to Customers is 4.6%

17% of salespeople did not attend college

44% of People go Directly to Amazon to Start their Product Searches, Compared to 34% who use Search Engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to Search for Products

26% of Shoppers are Likely to Share a Product on Social Media after Purchase

65 Percent of Shoppers Look up Price Comparisons on their Mobile Device While in a Physical Store

Mobile Traffic Represents 53% of all Ecommerce Traffic

Average Open Rate of Newsletter Campaigns from Ecommerce Stores to Customers is 18.45%

The Average Order Value of B2C Online Order is $52

PayPal Transactions have 70% Higher Checkout Conversion than Non-PayPal Transactions

80% of Respondents Said They Had Stopped Doing Business with a Company Because of a Poor Customer Experience

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