Do You Like To Share?

26% of shoppers are likely to share a product on social media after purchase



A new study offers insights for retailers as to why consumers click, follow and buy from retail brands online and in brick-and-mortar stores, including from email, social media and display ad marketing campaigns. Use these actionable insights to improve your digital marketing plan.

Yes Marketing surveyed 1,006 consumers across 4 generational groups (Centennials, Millennials, Gen X and Boomers) to find out which digital marketing channels were most effective in generating engagement and sales.

More 2019 Stats

22% of Online Retailers Still Don’t have a Mobile-Friendly Website

Personalizing email subject lines leads to a 22% increase in open rate

80% of Respondents Said They Had Stopped Doing Business with a Company Because of a Poor Customer Experience

People are Searching Google for the Phrase “Conversion Rate Optimization” More Than Ever Before

Abandoned Cart Emails Have an Average Open Rate of 45%

Only 15 percent of sales calls add enough value, according to executives surveyed.

Average Online Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate is 74%

85 Percent of Consumers Conduct Online Research Before Making a Purchase Online

It’s Estimated that there will be 1.92 Billion Global Digital Buyers in 2019

There Are More Than 254 Million Active PayPal Accounts in The World

More Stats

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