Why Would You Abandon Your Cart?

Average online shopping cart abandonment rate is 74%



The average abandonment rate is 68%, based on data compiled from 33 different studies on shopping cart abandonment.

That means for every 100 visitors to your store, 68 of them walk away.

Why Shoppers are Abandoning Carts

While every audience segment is different, a lot of consumers have somewhat similar buying habits and preferences in terms of who they give money to. They also share commonalities and frustrations over certain kinds of barriers to making a purchase.

According to data from Statista:

And these are just some of the many reasons why your customers might be walking away.

More 2019 Stats

On Average, 52 Percent of Online Stores have Omnichannel Capabilities

Apple Pay Orders have a 1.8% Transaction Share on B2C Websites Accepting Apple Pay at Checkout

26% of Shoppers are Likely to Share a Product on Social Media after Purchase

Abandoned Cart Emails Sent within 20 Minutes Have an Average Conversion rate of 5.2%

71% of salespeople are using social selling tools

22% of Online Retailers Still Don’t have a Mobile-Friendly Website

Pages that Rank First on Google Search Results on Desktop have a 34.36% Click-Through Rate

PayPal Transactions have 70% Higher Checkout Conversion than Non-PayPal Transactions

The Average Conversion Rate in AdWords Across all Industries is 2.7% on the Search Network and 0.89% on the Display Network

Average Open Rate of Newsletter Campaigns from Ecommerce Stores to Customers is 18.45%

More Stats

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