Would You Shop Online without Your Cell Phone?

22% of online retailers still don’t have a mobile-friendly website



The way people purchase online is changing. Consumers can turn to review sites and see customer ratings with the click of a button. Vendor and price comparisons are just a Google search away. And with search engines aiming to offer more personalized results, locality is more important than ever.

But of the myriad of changes in online purchasing patterns, none is as important for eCommerce as mobile search. The statistics are illuminating:

  • 66% of smartphone owners in Canada access the Internet every day on their device, and most never leave home without it
  • 89% of users search for local information on their phone, with 88% performing some sort of action as a result, such as making a purchase
  • 77% of mobile users have researched a product or service on their device
  • 27% of mobile users have made a purchase on their phone

More 2019 Stats

24% of salespeople reported that they majored in business in college

Today, 97% of consumers go online to research products and services.

An Inconvenient Returns Policy Deters 80% of Shoppers

71% of salespeople are using social selling tools

Online Stores are Offering an Average of 3 Payment Methods at Checkout Including Digital Wallets

9% of Ecommerce Sites are Offering a Rewards Loyalty Program to Customers

69 Percent of Shopping Carts are Abandoned

Average Click-thru Rate of Newsletter Campaigns from Ecommerce Stores to Customers is 4.6%

65 Percent of Shoppers Look up Price Comparisons on their Mobile Device While in a Physical Store

28% Shoppers Abandon Carts because of Unexpected Shipping Costs

More Stats

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