Why Do Not Purchase Online?

69 Percent of Shopping Carts are Abandoned



This sucks.

It may have taken you weeks of Facebook advertising and retargeting to entice these people to your website.

Perhaps you spent ages choosing the right products and optimizing your product pages to convince your visitors to decide to purchase from your store – and they want to!

They even add a product to their shopping cart… only for two-thirds of them to click away.

The Key Takeaway: Optimize your checkout process to reduce as many of those abandoned carts as possible.

More 2019 Stats

Nearly Half (48 percent) of Online Shoppers Simply Head Straight to a Large Ecommerce Marketplace

Abandoned Cart Emails Sent within 20 Minutes Have an Average Conversion rate of 5.2%

Only 15 percent of sales calls add enough value, according to executives surveyed.

Average Click-thru Rate of Newsletter Campaigns from Ecommerce Stores to Customers is 4.6%

9% of Ecommerce Sites are Offering a Rewards Loyalty Program to Customers

65 Percent of Shoppers Look up Price Comparisons on their Mobile Device While in a Physical Store

Cyber Monday Emails Generated 53 Percent Higher Conversion Rate than Black Friday Emails

8% of Online Shoppers Engage in a Live Chat Conversation before Placing an Order

81% of Shoppers Research their Product Online before Purchasing

80% of Respondents Said They Had Stopped Doing Business with a Company Because of a Poor Customer Experience

More Stats

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