How Likely Are You To Abandon Your Cart?

Abandoned Cart Emails Sent within 20 Minutes Have an Average Conversion rate of 5.2%



The timing of your abandoned cart email has a great effect on conversion rates.

Emails sent within an hour have an average conversion rate of 4.5%, while emails sent more than 24 hours after cart abandonment only converts at an average of 2.6%.

Consumers are constantly bombarded with promotional material, and that makes it harder for marketers to stay top of mind with prospects.

That’s why it’s important to send your abandoned cart emails directly after a prospect abandons their cart, to ensure your brand is still top of mind when they receive the email.

Takeaway: Automate your abandoned cart emails and trigger them to go out within 20 minutes after a prospect abandons their cart. Make sure to include the cart items in the email and include multiple calls-to-action to go back to the cart.

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