Do you have a Navigation Menu?

Removing the Navigation Menu can Increase Conversions by 100%


Conversion Optimization


Usually navigation menus are common across all pages of a website. But, should you have navigation menu on a landing page as well? Or, should your landing page be unique in itself and there is no need to include global navigation menu? This is a perfect case for A/B testing and one of our customers, Yuppiechef, did this test and found out that removing navigation menu doubled their conversions.

Yuppiechef is a leading online store selling premium kitchen tools throughout South Africa. They are known for their customer service, quirkiness and passion for getting people excited about eating together and spending time in the kitchen. They used Visual Website Optimizer to A/B test the effect of removing the navigation menu from one of their landing pages.

Removing navigation menu increases signups by 100%

Yuppiechef wanted to increase the rate of Wedding Registry signups (conversion goal) generated from the Wedding Registry landing page on their website. They tested two pages against each other that were identical, save for the main navigation bar at the top of the page.

More 2019 Stats

Average E-Commerce Conversion Rates Vary from 2.8% to 4.5%

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Tools Offer a 223% ROI on Average

The Average Order Value of B2C Online Order is $52

60% of deals in the pipeline are lost to “no decision” rather than to competitors.

Online Stores are Offering an Average of 3 Payment Methods at Checkout Including Digital Wallets

An Inconvenient Returns Policy Deters 80% of Shoppers

9% of Ecommerce Sites are Offering a Rewards Loyalty Program to Customers

69 Percent of Shopping Carts are Abandoned

Companies see a 55% Increase in Leads when Increasing their Number of Landing Pages from 10 to 15

The Average Number of Form Fields on Landing Page Conversion Forms is 11

More Conversion Optimization Stats

People are Searching Google for the Phrase “Conversion Rate Optimization” More than Ever Before

Businesses with over 40 Landing Pages Generated a Whopping 12 Times More Leads than those with 1-5 Landing Pages

There is a 70% greater likelihood of converting re-targeted visitors vs. those who are not

Most Companies Spend Less than 5% of Marketing Budgets on Conversion Optimization

The Average Number of Form Fields on Landing Page Conversion Forms is 11

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Tools Offer a 223% ROI on Average

44% of Companies use A/B or Split Testing Software

96% of Marketers Say ‘Segmentation’ is the Most Powerful Method of Improving Conversion Rate

68% of Small Businesses Don’t have a Documented CRO Strategy

Engagement Lost During the Body of a Video (96% of the video) is the Same Lost During the Nose (the first 2% of the video)

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