Do you use Split Testing Software?

44% of Companies use A/B or Split Testing Software


Conversion Optimization


A/B testing is testing multiple variations of a webpage against the original (control) to determine which of them generates more conversions. But how is it used for website optimization? Check out our infographic “The State of A/B Testing” for latest A/B testing statistics and trends.

A/B testing is the second most popular CRO method after customer journey analysis

71%of companies are doing two or more tests per month

Testing areas:

Website 77% of companies
Landing page 60% of companies
Email 59% of companies
Paid search 58% of companies


Call-to-action buttons have become the most popular website elements for testing

But only 44% of companies use split testing software

58% of companies use A/B testing  for conversion rate optimization and 35% of companies plan to use A/B testing for conversion rate optimization.

60% of companies believe that A/B testing is “highly valuable” for conversion optimization.

63% of companies believe that is it not difficult to implement A/B testing while 7% believe that A/B testing is very difficult to implement.

A/B testing is the most used testing for desktop websites, when usability testing is the most popular one for mobile and desktop.

Only 1 out of 8 A/B tests have driven significant change

Running 2-3 website tests per month appears to be the optimal amount for improvement and increased satisfaction

It turns out that A/B testing is the second most popular CRO method after customer journey analysis and 71% of companies are doing two or more tests per month.

More 2019 Stats

Personalizing email subject lines leads to a 22% increase in open rate

81% of Consumers Trust the Advice of Family and Friends Over Businesses

8% of Online Shoppers Engage in a Live Chat Conversation before Placing an Order

65 Percent of Shoppers Look up Price Comparisons on their Mobile Device While in a Physical Store

Using Video on Landing Pages can Increase Conversion by 80%

81% of Shoppers Research their Product Online before Purchasing

The Average Order Value of B2C Online Order is $52

The Number One Reason People Shop Online is Because They Can Shop 24/7

Online Stores are Offering an Average of 3 Payment Methods at Checkout Including Digital Wallets

Nearly Half (48 percent) of Online Shoppers Simply Head Straight to a Large Ecommerce Marketplace

More Conversion Optimization Stats

Pages that Rank First on Google Search Results on Desktop have a 34.36% Click-Through Rate

Landing Pages with Multiple Offers get 266% Fewer Leads than Single Offer Pages

Imagescape Saw a 160% Increase in Submissions When They Decreased Form Fields from 11 to a Mere Four

60% of deals in the pipeline are lost to “no decision” rather than to competitors.

People are Searching Google for the Phrase “Conversion Rate Optimization” More Than Ever Before

Micro-Influencers are Capable of Generating 22.2X Higher Conversion Rates than Other Types of Influencers

68% of Small Businesses Don’t have a Documented CRO Strategy

The Average Number of Form Fields on Landing Page Conversion Forms is 11

Referrals Have the Highest Conversion Rates of all Customer Acquisition Channels at 3.74%

B2C Companies that Leverage ‘Marketing Automation’ Have Seen Conversions as High as 50%

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