Why Do You Shop Online?

The Number One Reason People Shop Online is Because They Can Shop 24/7



Fifty-eight percent of consumers shop online due to online opening hours (or lack thereof).

The Internet never closes, making it easy for consumers to buy any product at any time.

Shopping has never been more convenient.

But even though your online store doesn’t close, your customer service department does.

To get ahead of potential issues with prospects who can’t get in touch with you during out of office hours, create separate contact campaigns for office hours and out of office hours.

That way, you can tell visitors when to expect a reply if your staff are offline.

Takeaway: Schedule campaigns in advance to activate and deactivate on schedule. When you let prospects know when they can expect an answer they’ll be more patient with you (and more likely to buy).

More 2019 Stats

26% of Shoppers are Likely to Share a Product on Social Media after Purchase

71% of salespeople are using social selling tools

In 2019, Ecommerce Sales are Expected to Account for 13.7 Percent of Retail Sales Worldwide

Average E-Commerce Conversion Rates Vary from 2.8% to 4.5%

44% of People go Directly to Amazon to Start their Product Searches, Compared to 34% who use Search Engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to Search for Products

Today, 97% of consumers go online to research products and services.

80% of Respondents Said They Had Stopped Doing Business with a Company Because of a Poor Customer Experience

The Average Conversion Rate in AdWords Across all Industries is 2.7% on the Search Network and 0.89% on the Display Network

It’s Estimated that there will be 1.92 Billion Global Digital Buyers in 2019

28% Shoppers Abandon Carts because of Unexpected Shipping Costs

More Stats

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