How Much Do You Shop Online?

In 2019, Ecommerce Sales are Expected to Account for 13.7 Percent of Retail Sales Worldwide



In other words, ecommerce is slowly taking over.

This statistic clearly shows how ecommerce is becoming a more and more important part of global commerce.

It’s growing so quickly that it’s expected to make up a whopping 17.5 percent of retail sales worldwide by 2021.

The Key Takeaway: Ecommerce is expanding in every direction and becoming a more integral part of the consumer experience worldwide.

Once again, this trend offers opportunity for new entrepreneurs.

More 2019 Stats

The Average Conversion Rate in AdWords Across all Industries is 2.7% on the Search Network and 0.89% on the Display Network

Only 10 percent of executive customers said sales calls provide enough value to warrant the time they spent on them.

Nearly Half (48 percent) of Online Shoppers Simply Head Straight to a Large Ecommerce Marketplace

Personalizing email subject lines leads to a 22% increase in open rate

There Are More Than 254 Million Active PayPal Accounts in The World

Businesses with over 40 Landing Pages Generated a Whopping 12 Times More Leads than those with 1-5 Landing Pages

65 Percent of Shoppers Look up Price Comparisons on their Mobile Device While in a Physical Store

Online Stores are Offering an Average of 3 Payment Methods at Checkout Including Digital Wallets

The Average Conversion Rate of a Facebook Ad is 9.21%

24% of salespeople reported that they majored in business in college

More Stats

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