Where do You Start Shopping Online?

Nearly Half (48 percent) of Online Shoppers Simply Head Straight to a Large Ecommerce Marketplace



These marketplaces have brand appeal.

Plus, many people already have existing accounts on large ecommerce marketplaces that they know and trust.

The Key Takeaway: Ecommerce brands must work hard to capture the attention of these shoppers, inspire them to visit their website, and then build trust.

More 2019 Stats

71% of salespeople are using social selling tools

The Average Order Value of B2C Online Order is $52

Today, 97% of consumers go online to research products and services.

It’s Estimated that there will be 1.92 Billion Global Digital Buyers in 2019

Abandoned Cart Emails Sent within 20 Minutes Have an Average Conversion rate of 5.2%

The Average Conversion Rate in AdWords Across all Industries is 2.7% on the Search Network and 0.89% on the Display Network

9% of Ecommerce Sites are Offering a Rewards Loyalty Program to Customers

The Average Conversion Rate of a Facebook Ad is 9.21%

60% of deals in the pipeline are lost to “no decision” rather than to competitors.

The Average Number of Form Fields on Landing Page Conversion Forms is 11

More Stats

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