Does Your Page Rank First?

Pages that Rank First on Google Search Results on Desktop have a 34.36% Click-Through Rate

In fact, the same is true for mobile devices as well. Web pages that secure first position have a 31.35% CTR. Guess, it’s time you work on SEO if you want conversions

More 2019 Stats

Average Online Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate is 74%

Apple Pay Orders have a 1.8% Transaction Share on B2C Websites Accepting Apple Pay at Checkout

Mobile Traffic Represents 53% of all Ecommerce Traffic

81% of people prefer to open emails on their smartphones

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Tools Offer a 223% ROI on Average

65 Percent of Shoppers Look up Price Comparisons on their Mobile Device While in a Physical Store

44% of People go Directly to Amazon to Start their Product Searches, Compared to 34% who use Search Engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to Search for Products

81% of Shoppers Research their Product Online before Purchasing

The Average Order Value of B2C Online Order is $52

Companies see a 55% Increase in Leads when Increasing their Number of Landing Pages from 10 to 15

More Conversion Optimization Stats

Personalized Call-To-Actions Convert 42% More Visitors into Leads than Generic CTAs

Call-To-Actions That Are Surrounded By More Negative Space and Less Clutter Increases a Company’s Conversion Rate by 232%

Companies see a 55% Increase in Leads when Increasing their Number of Landing Pages from 10 to 15

For Every $92 Spent Acquiring Customers, only $1 is Spent Converting Them

Add a Beard to Your Models to Increase in Cart Adds by 49%

Only About 22 Percent of Businesses are Satisfied With Their Conversion Rates

But Removing the Navigation Menu can Increase Conversions by 100%

Referrals Have the Highest Conversion Rates of all Customer Acquisition Channels at 3.74%

85 Percent of Consumers Conduct Online Research Before Making a Purchase Online

Landing Pages with Multiple Offers get 266% Fewer Leads than Single Offer Pages

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