Do you use Influencers?

Micro-Influencers are Capable of Generating 22.2X Higher Conversion Rates than Other Types of Influencers

92% of consumers worldwide say that they trust recommendations from individuals over brands. So, your chance of getting the word out is by roping in real, niche influencers who have a stronghold over their followers. With honest, unbiased reviews these microinfluencers can really boost your conversions.

Many marketers today are interested in influencer marketing. Yet, there isn’t a strong view of how to measure influence or understand how experts and other types of consumers influence others. The growing importance of influencer marketing has led marketers to openly question exactly how impactful word of mouth is when coming from different types of consumers. Dr. Jonah Berger, marketing professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and author of the bestselling book Contagious: Why Things Catch On, and Keller Fay Group, the leading authority on word of mouth marketing research, partnered to examine how micro-influencers are driving buying behavior by measuring the volume and impact of their recommendations on consumers

More 2018 Stats

Emails with a Single Call-to-Action Increased Clicks 371%

30% of Demand Generation Professionals Say that Pipeline Influence is their Top Indicator

40% of Millennials Have Used Voice Search Before Making a Purchase Online, According to Studies

69% of B2B Businesses Say They Expect to Stop Printing Catalogs Within Five Years

Given 15 Minutes to Consume Content, Two-Thirds of People Would Rather Read Something Beautifully Designed Than Something Plain

As of Q2 2018, 2.86 Percent of E-Commerce Website Visits Converted into Purchases

According to Nielson, 50% of Redeemed Mobile Coupons are Captured Directly from a Retailer’s Site by the Consumer

48 hours after a virtual sales call, buyers only retain 10% of what you talked about.

70% of sales professionals are most active on LinkedIn compared to other social media

88% of Shoppers Characterize Detailed Product Content as Being Extremely Important to their Purchasing Decisions

More Conversion Optimization Stats

68% of Small Businesses Don’t have a Documented CRO Strategy

The Average Conversion Rate of a Facebook Ad is 9.21%

44% of Companies use A/B or Split Testing Software

Referrals Have the Highest Conversion Rates of all Customer Acquisition Channels at 3.74%

Only About 22 Percent of Businesses are Satisfied With Their Conversion Rates

96% of Marketers Say ‘Segmentation’ is the Most Powerful Method of Improving Conversion Rate

7 Top Converting Companies Spend More than 5% of their Budgets on Optimization

The Average Number of Form Fields on Landing Page Conversion Forms is 11

B2C Companies that Leverage ‘Marketing Automation’ Have Seen Conversions as High as 50%

Landing Pages with Multiple Offers get 266% Fewer Leads than Single Offer Pages

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