How Much Do you Spend on Optimization?

7 Top Converting Companies Spend More than 5% of their Budgets on Optimization


Conversion Optimization


The key to meeting revenue goals is giving CRO the importance it deserves. It pretty much explains the next CRO stat.

More 2018 Stats

Emails with a Single Call-to-Action Increased Clicks 371%

Lack of Resources (Staff, Funding, Time) is the Biggest Obstacle for 61% of Marketers Working on B2B Lead Generation

30% of Demand Generation Professionals Say that Pipeline Influence is their Top Indicator

88% of Shoppers Characterize Detailed Product Content as Being Extremely Important to their Purchasing Decisions

Users Who Click On Product Recommendations Lead to a Conversion Rate that is 5.5 Times Higher Than Nonclicking Users

Mobile Shopping Hit $2 Billion on Cyber Monday

73% of Companies are Investing in Design to Differentiate Their Brands

42% of Lead Gen Professionals Consider Lack of Quality Data a Major Challenge Around Quality Lead Generation

More than Three-Quarters of Online Shoppers Would Like their Orders Shipped the Same Day

80% of Consumers Had a Better Perception of Retailers That Offered Mobile Coupons

More Conversion Optimization Stats

B2C Companies that Leverage ‘Marketing Automation’ Have Seen Conversions as High as 50%

8 out of 10 or 82% of Marketers Say Knowing How to Test Effectively is “Somewhat” or “Very Challenging”

On an Average, Businesses Generate $6.50 For Every $1 Invested in Influencer Marketing

Using Video on Landing Pages can Increase Conversion by 80%

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Tools Offer a 223% ROI on Average

Pages that Rank First on Google Search Results on Desktop have a 34.36% Click-Through Rate

Only 60% of sales reps meet quota

The Average Conversion Rate of a Facebook Ad is 9.21%

The Average Number of Form Fields on Landing Page Conversion Forms is 11

When Landing Pages Don’t Ask for Age, the Conversion Rate is Higher

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