Do You Want Your Order Shipped the Same Day?

More than Three-Quarters of Online Shoppers Would Like their Orders Shipped the Same Day

Online shoppers in the U.S. want more shipping options, and they want to receive their online orders faster than many retailers offer to deliver them, according to a survey from fulfillment software vendor Temando.

Temando’s data found that 80% of shoppers surveyed want same-day shipping, while 61% want their packages even faster—within 1-3 hours of placing an order. In the study, titled “State of Shipping in Commerce 2016,” Temando surveyed 1,000 consumers on their online shopping preferences and 214 retailers selling online and offline across various product categories in October 2015. Most retailers surveyed were in the small to midsized range, with 76% of all retailers surveyed shipping 1,000 or fewer online orders per week.

Temando CEO and co-founder Carl Hartmann says the study exposes a glaring problem: “Consumer expectations are increasing. Retailers still aren’t offering the full gamut of services that consumers are expecting.”

Temando’s data bears that out.

While 80% of shoppers surveyed want same-day shipping, only 53% of retailers surveyed offer it. Likewise, while 61% of shoppers want the option to receive their package within three hours of placing the order, just 20% of retailers offer that option.

Hartmann attributes this to what he calls “Uberization,” the expectations of individualized services created by companies like the ride-sharing app Uber, which lets consumers summon a ride when they want one.

“People want more precision,” he explains. “It’s about a need to control when I’m going to get (an online order), because if you’re constantly traveling for business, you might only have certain windows when you’re home to receive it.”

While consumers say they want faster shipping options, not as many are willing to pay extra for them.

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