Will You Shop at a Store That Doesnt Have a Social Presence?

Online Stores That Have a Social Presence Have 32% More Sales on Average Than Online Stores that Don’t

Big Commerce


As you can tell from some of these other ecommerce statistics, social media has a major influence on consumers and ecommerce sales. Establishing a social media presence for your business would be a great way to increase ecommerce sales over time.

Most online businesses today understand the importance of having a social presence, but how significant is it really? According to our data, stores that have at least one social account (Facebook and/or Twitter) have 32% more sales on average than stores that don’t use Facebook and/or Twitter.

There have been a number of reports on the % of sales from social, but the majority of them rank social traffic very low in regards to amount of traffic and conversion rate.

Our data suggests that implementing social media in your online marketing plan can have a much larger effect on your success than simply being a new source of traffic and sales to your site. Taking the decision to use social media in your marketing will often lead you to engage more with existing social media communities around your platform, communicate for the first time with your customers, help you learn more about online marketing tricks and tactics, and many other benefits which will add to your success.

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