Are you a Male that Wants to Buy Everything Online?

40% of US Males Aged 18-34 Say They Would "Ideally Buy Everything Online"

ReadyCloud CRM


Interestingly enough, one in four online shoppers is 54 or older, says Business Insider, narrowing the gap between generational spending. But, the report also inflects that men between the ages of 18-34 are the most likely demographic to make an online purchase, followed by males between the ages of 35 and 64, and females between the ages of 18 and 34, and females between the ages of 35 and 64.

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More than Three-Quarters of Online Shoppers Would Like their Orders Shipped the Same Day

Once on a Company’s Homepage, 64% of Visitors Want to See The Company’s Contact Information

As of Q2 2018, 2.86 Percent of E-Commerce Website Visits Converted into Purchases

96% of Americans Have Made an Online Purchase in their Life

E-Commerce Sales Accounted for 11.9% of All Retail Sales Worldwide

48 hours after a virtual sales call, buyers only retain 10% of what you talked about.

30% of Online Shoppers are Millennials are are Between 18 and 34 Years Old

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