Are you Already Using Interactive Content?

79% of Marketers Already Using Interactive Content Plan to Increase Their Use in the Next 12 Months

Think about the last time you took an online assessment or used a web-based calculator. You were probably engaged and learned something useful. It was an “experience,” right?

According to Content Marketing Institute’s latest research, nearly half (46%) of marketers surveyed are using interactive content. Their top reason for doing so? Engagement – followed by educating the audience, creating brand awareness, and lead generation.

More marketers beginning to use interactive content

More than half of the respondents (55%) report that they’ve been using interactive content for fewer than three years (versus 47% last year), indicating more new entrants in the survey. These newer users indicate that 13% of the total content they produce, on average, is interactive.

The longer a company has been producing interactive content, the more likely it is to produce more: Those with three or more years of doing so say that interactive content on average comprises 24% of the total content they produce.

Furthermore, the use of interactive content will continue to rise: 79% of those that use it say they plan to increase their use in the next 12 months (last year, 75% said they anticipated an increase).

More 2018 Stats

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79% of Customers Order Online Via a Mobile Device

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More Lead Generation Stats

Cost Per Lead Ranges from $150 to $350 on Average, with Larger Companies Paying Higher Costs Per Lead

Most Midsize to Large Organizations Average Less than 5,000 Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) Per Month

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More than Three-Quarters of Online Shoppers Would Like their Orders Shipped the Same Day

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80% of new leads never translate into sales

Lack of Resources (Staff, Funding, Time) is the Biggest Obstacle for 61% of Marketers Working on B2B Lead Generation

42% of Lead Gen Professionals Consider Lack of Quality Data a Major Challenge Around Quality Lead Generation

67% of customers prefer self-service over speaking to a company representative

8% of salespeople say that their sales teams generate high-quality leads

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