How Many MQL's Do You Get Per Month?

Most Midsize to Large Organizations Average Less than 5,000 Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) Per Month


Lead Generation


Key Numbers:

• The average cost per lead is just under $200.

• Email campaigns achieve on average a 17% open rate and 4% click-through rate.

• Organizations on average are generating over 470,000 website visitors, 1,800 leads and 300 new customers per month.

• Organizations with revenues under $500 million have a mean cost per lead of roughly $180; companies with revenues above $500 million spend more than double that, at roughly $430 per lead.

Key Takeaways:

• Growth Plateaus for larger companies – Smaller organizations are more likely to be exceeding their revenue expectations, while larger organizations seemed more likely to achieve, but not exceed, their revenue goals. While plateaued growth isn’t rare for enterprise companies, that does not mean it has to be the gold standard for those willing to re-evaluate their sales and marketing strategies.

• Cost per lead is higher for larger companies – The largest organizations (1,001 + employees) are able to generate greater web traffic, more leads and more customers per month, but also pay a significantly higher price per lead. We suspect much of this is because larger organization are also using more outbound tactics than those paying less for leads.

• Leads are crucial for revenue attainment – Organizations that fail to meet their revenue goals tend to generate fewer leads and sales opportunities in spite of having similar website traffic to more successful organizations. Open rate and click-through rate for email campaigns are also significantly lower for organizations not meeting revenue goals.

• Content yields success – Organizations exceeding their revenue goals are more likely to use content creation, online advertising and branding/public relations marketing tactics, with content creation leading the pack by a substantial lead.

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