Do You Use Videos in your Lead Nurturing Campaigns?

66% of Marketers use Video in their Lead Nurturing Campaigns

With sales cycles averaging between six and nine months, lead nurturing is becoming an even bigger priority for B2B marketers. According to Demand Gen Report’s 2017 Lead Nurturing & Acceleration Survey Report, nearly three quarters of B2B organizations said they are now delivering nurture campaigns on a weekly (38%) or every other week (36%) basis.

Nurture campaigns are also presenting a wider menu of offerings as well, with the majority average of 3-10 touches (68%). The most popular types of nurture campaigns, according to respondents, were early stage (cited by 75%), warm-up campaigns and lead qualification programs (both cited by 46%).

However, while marketers in 2016 said that their nurturing efforts were improving compared to 2015, results from this year’s survey showed a decline in how B2B companies view their nurture efforts.

More 2017 Stats

The Average Conversion Rate of Visitors Who Saw User Generated Content (UGC) is 161% Higher Than Those Who Didn’t

Cost Per Lead Ranges from $150 to $350 on Average, with Larger Companies Paying Higher Costs Per Lead

Writing your subject line entirely in upper case significantly reduces response rates by 30%

Organizations With Revenues Under $500 Million Have a Mean Cost Per Lead of Roughly $180; Companies With Revenues Above $500 Million Spend More Than Double That, at Roughly $430 Per Lead

Bundled Nurturing Content Within a Resource Hub (Instead of Multiple Emails) Produced a 3X Increase in Lead to Pipeline Ratio

55.5% of Respondents Planned on Upping their CRO Budgets in the Coming Year

Most Companies Spend Less than 5% of Marketing Budgets on Conversion Optimization

7% of companies respond within five minutes of a prospect’s form submission while 50% don’t even respond until five business days later

68% of Small Businesses Don’t have a Documented CRO Strategy

Referrals Have the Highest Conversion Rates of all Customer Acquisition Channels at 3.74%

More Lead Generation Stats

Most Midsize to Large Organizations Average Less than 5,000 Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) Per Month

Lack of Resources (Staff, Funding, Time) is the Biggest Obstacle for 61% of Marketers Working on B2B Lead Generation

79% of Marketers Already Using Interactive Content Plan to Increase Their Use in the Next 12 Months

80% of new leads never translate into sales

42% of Lead Gen Professionals Consider Lack of Quality Data a Major Challenge Around Quality Lead Generation

67% of customers prefer self-service over speaking to a company representative

Bundled Nurturing Content Within a Resource Hub (Instead of Multiple Emails) Produced a 3X Increase in Lead to Pipeline Ratio

More than Three-Quarters of Online Shoppers Would Like their Orders Shipped the Same Day

8% of salespeople say that their sales teams generate high-quality leads

Marketers are Now Experimenting with Buyer Engagement through Formats other than Form Fills: Thought Leadership (65%)

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