55.5% of Respondents Planned on Upping their CRO Budgets in the Coming Year

In this 2016 State of Conversion Optimization Report, we gave a 48 question survey to 722 people who work in the optimization space.

Of course, a lot of what we learned was expected. For instance, many optimizers have little to no budget (sadly).

But we also learned some surprising things, like how many companies are still operating without a structured process, and how little experience many optimizers have.

More 2017 Stats

68% of Small Businesses Don’t have a Documented CRO Strategy

Writing your subject line entirely in upper case significantly reduces response rates by 30%

There Will Be More Than 3.7 Billion Email Users by the End of 2017

Cost Per Lead Ranges from $150 to $350 on Average, with Larger Companies Paying Higher Costs Per Lead

Organizations With Revenues Under $500 Million Have a Mean Cost Per Lead of Roughly $180; Companies With Revenues Above $500 Million Spend More Than Double That, at Roughly $430 Per Lead

66% of Marketers use Video in their Lead Nurturing Campaigns

The Average Conversion Rate of Visitors Who Saw User Generated Content (UGC) is 161% Higher Than Those Who Didn’t

Marketers are Now Experimenting with Buyer Engagement through Formats other than Form Fills: Thought Leadership (65%)

Bundled Nurturing Content Within a Resource Hub (Instead of Multiple Emails) Produced a 3X Increase in Lead to Pipeline Ratio

Most Companies Spend Less than 5% of Marketing Budgets on Conversion Optimization

More Conversion Optimization Stats

Landing Pages with Multiple Offers get 266% Fewer Leads than Single Offer Pages

Micro-Influencers are Capable of Generating 22.2X Higher Conversion Rates than Other Types of Influencers

B2C Companies that Leverage ‘Marketing Automation’ Have Seen Conversions as High as 50%

A Typical Website Conversion Rate is about 2.35% on Average

44% of Companies use A/B or Split Testing Software

7 Top Converting Companies Spend More than 5% of their Budgets on Optimization

Engagement Lost During the Body of a Video (96% of the video) is the Same Lost During the Nose (the first 2% of the video)

60% of deals in the pipeline are lost to “no decision” rather than to competitors.

Add a Beard to Your Models to Increase in Cart Adds by 49%

Companies see a 55% Increase in Leads when Increasing their Number of Landing Pages from 10 to 15

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