How Long Are Your Videos?

Engagement Lost During the Body of a Video (96% of the video) is the Same Lost During the Nose (the first 2% of the video)

Talk about an enlightening presentation! Video content is something I just started to dabble with at WordStream in our Ask the Experts series produced by WordStream’s content marketer, Dan Shewan so hearing from the Founder and CEO of Wistia was pretty thrilling.

Savage revealed a laundry list of useful data on optimizing video performance. One of my favorite was the one above, which proves that the first 2% of your video is just as, if not more important than the 96% of the video that lies in the middle, known as the “body” according to Savage. If your story doesn’t start off in a captivating manner you’re just as likely to lose someone as you are to lose them during the real meat of the video.

So how do you make your nose grippingly captivating? (Your nose is that first 2% of the video by the way – I learned a lot of video lingo during this Savage’s talk). Get to the point! Savage has found that people drop of when introductions and brand offerings are flooding the start of the video. Viewers prefer jumping right into useful content rather than listening to Bob talk about his job role and hobbies. Find a creative way to pull your readers in to keep them engaged throughout the nose, body and tail of your video.

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