Are You A Marketer That Uses Interactive Content in Lead Generation Efforts?

53% of Content Marketers Use Interactive Content in Lead Generation Efforts

Interactive content delivers business benefits in addition to encouraging participation and engagement. Consider the following:

■The expansion of the typical website monologue into a true two-way dialogue can give you deeper insight between watching customers as they stroll through a store and having a conversation with them. The information and inputs that consumers provide when using interactive content lead to richer profiles, better lead scoring, and improved nurturing of prospects along the buyer’s journey.

■In a June 2014 study conducted by Demand Metric, respondents reported that interactive content (compared with passive content) increased content sharing (from 17% with passive to 38% with 3

■According to Demand Gen Report’s 2015 Content Preferences Survey, when respondents were asked, “How have your B2B content consumption habits changed over the past year,” 91% agreed that “I prefer more interactive/visual content that I can access on demand” (up from 88% the previous year).

More 2018 Stats

33% of US Females Aged 18-34 Say They Would “Ideally Buy Everything Online”

For Every $92 Spent Acquiring Customers, only $1 is Spent Converting Them

48% of People Cited That a Websites Design is the No. 1 Factor in Determining the Credibility of a Business

23% of Users Will Abandon Their Shopping Cart if they Have to Create a New User Account

54% of Shoppers will Purchase Products Left in Shopping Carts if those Products are Subsequently Offered at a Lower Price

69% of B2B Businesses Say They Expect to Stop Printing Catalogs Within Five Years

Add a Beard to Your Models to Increase in Cart Adds by 49%

96% of Americans Have Made an Online Purchase in their Life

Anchor Text CTAs (Clickable Text in a Hyperlink) Increase Conversion Rates by a Whooping 121%

30% of Demand Generation Professionals Say that Pipeline Influence is their Top Indicator

More Lead Generation Stats

More than Three-Quarters of Online Shoppers Would Like their Orders Shipped the Same Day

Marketers are Now Experimenting with Buyer Engagement through Formats other than Form Fills: Thought Leadership (65%)

79% of Marketers Already Using Interactive Content Plan to Increase Their Use in the Next 12 Months

67% of customers prefer self-service over speaking to a company representative

Cost Per Lead Ranges from $150 to $350 on Average, with Larger Companies Paying Higher Costs Per Lead

66% of Marketers use Video in their Lead Nurturing Campaigns

8% of salespeople say that their sales teams generate high-quality leads

30% of Demand Generation Professionals Say that Pipeline Influence is their Top Indicator

42% of Lead Gen Professionals Consider Lack of Quality Data a Major Challenge Around Quality Lead Generation

Bundled Nurturing Content Within a Resource Hub (Instead of Multiple Emails) Produced a 3X Increase in Lead to Pipeline Ratio

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