How Important is Product Selection?

74% of Online Shoppers Rate Product Selection as Important During the Online Search Process



Consumer infatuation with everything new invites innovation and provides a natural audience for testing digital possibilities. How to react to and optimize new technologies, new markets and new business models should be in every retailer’s crosshairs. Exciting technologies like smartwatches, connected TVs, wearables and smartphones open all kinds of possibilities for delivering ultimate convenience. New markets and surprising data on how shoppers find new products can help retailers understand and reach new audiences. New models of selling—think showrooms and curated/subscription services—challenge retailers to keep pushing the envelope.

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On an Average, Businesses Generate $6.50 For Every $1 Invested in Influencer Marketing

Lack of Resources (Staff, Funding, Time) is the Biggest Obstacle for 61% of Marketers Working on B2B Lead Generation

Email Marketing Contributes to 20% of Traffic Driving Ecommerce Sales

48 hours after a virtual sales call, buyers only retain 10% of what you talked about.

Emails with a Single Call-to-Action Increased Clicks 371%

23% of Users Will Abandon Their Shopping Cart if they Have to Create a New User Account

Mobile Shopping Hit $2 Billion on Cyber Monday

79% of Customers Order Online Via a Mobile Device

58% of the Top 1000 US Online Retailers Send Welcome Emails

39% of People Will Stop Engaging With a Website if Images Won’t Load or Take Too Long to Load

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