Do You Use Coupons?

80% of Consumers Had a Better Perception of Retailers That Offered Mobile Coupons

70% of all mobile shoppers have redeemed a coupon at either a brick and mortar or an online store in the past year, according to Key Ring.

Understanding this nomenclature is easy: people like getting deals and having them on their smartphones. So if you are running an ecommerce store that has a mobile website version, make sure you adhere to these mobile ecommerce statistics by offering mobile coupons… because they are likely to be redeemed, thus generating you more conversions in your funnel.

More 2018 Stats

96% of Americans Have Made an Online Purchase in their Life

39% of People Will Stop Engaging With a Website if Images Won’t Load or Take Too Long to Load

Add a Beard to Your Models to Increase in Cart Adds by 49%

7 Top Converting Companies Spend More than 5% of their Budgets on Optimization

79% of Marketers Already Using Interactive Content Plan to Increase Their Use in the Next 12 Months

54% of Shoppers will Purchase Products Left in Shopping Carts if those Products are Subsequently Offered at a Lower Price

You Have 10 Seconds to Leave An Impression and Tell Them What They’ll Get Out of Your Website and Company. After This Time (and Oftentimes Before), They’ll Leave

34% of online shoppers are Gen Xers and are between 35 and 54 years old

Anchor Text CTAs (Clickable Text in a Hyperlink) Increase Conversion Rates by a Whooping 121%

As of Q2 2018, 2.86 Percent of E-Commerce Website Visits Converted into Purchases

More Stats

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