How Much Did You Buy on Cyber Monday?

Mobile Shopping Hit $2 Billion on Cyber Monday

For years, we’ve been hearing about the importance of responsive design and mobile-friendly features. Many small business etailers remained unconvinced of the power of mobile users as buyers. This made some sense, as data often showed that most users were using mobile devices (i.e., smartphones) primarily for research, and then finalizing purchases on tablets or desktop computers.

This all changed during the past holiday season. On Cyber Monday 2017, mobile saw its first $2 billion day, claiming just under a third of the money spent online. According to Business Insider, smartphones accounted for 37.6 percent of retail visits on Cyber Monday, and 21 percent of the revenue. Smartphone conversion rates were up by roughly 10 percent.

More 2018 Stats

40% of US Males Aged 18-34 Say They Would “Ideally Buy Everything Online”

40% say getting response from prospects harder now than 3 years ago.

Call-To-Actions That Are Surrounded By More Negative Space and Less Clutter Increases a Company’s Conversion Rate by 232%

Users Who Click On Product Recommendations Lead to a Conversion Rate that is 5.5 Times Higher Than Nonclicking Users

E-Commerce Sales Accounted for 11.9% of All Retail Sales Worldwide

47% of Website Visitors Check Out a Company’s Products/Services Page Before Looking at any Other Sections of the Site

8 out of 10 or 82% of Marketers Say Knowing How to Test Effectively is “Somewhat” or “Very Challenging”

34% of online shoppers are Gen Xers and are between 35 and 54 years old

Personalized Call-To-Actions Convert 42% More Visitors into Leads than Generic CTAs

58% of the Top 1000 US Online Retailers Send Welcome Emails

More Stats

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