Do You Like To Return Things

An Inconvenient returns policy deters 80% of shoppers

Ready Cloud


Online product returns are not the nightmare that they’ve been painted out to be for e-retailers. No longer should they be viewed as a costly addition to the bottom line or a logistical maelstrom. In fact, they should be viewed as quite the opposite: A way to better connect with customers, remarket to them and improve loyalty, retention and long term sales.

As of early 2015, emarketer report had pegged e-commerce to be a $1.5 trillion dollar international business. Fast-forward to the present day, and experts are predicting that e-commerce will have grown into a much larger beast, accounting for nearly $2 trillion in annual revenue.

The truth is that online retail returns and e-commerce go hand-in-hand. Customers will return items that they buy from time to time, and the e-retailers that do not accommodate these consumers and simplify the process stand to lose out on future sales and growth opportunities.

More 2019 Stats

There Are More Than 254 Million Active PayPal Accounts in The World

Mobile Ecommerce is Expected to Account for 67.2 Percent of Digital Sales in 2019

Only 10 percent of executive customers said sales calls provide enough value to warrant the time they spent on them.

43% of E-Commerce Traffic comes from Organic Google Search

8% of Online Shoppers Engage in a Live Chat Conversation before Placing an Order

Men Spend 68% More Online Than Women

Younger People Spend More Time Shopping Online than Older People

Only 15 percent of sales calls add enough value, according to executives surveyed.

PayPal Transactions have 70% Higher Checkout Conversion than Non-PayPal Transactions

85 Percent of Consumers Conduct Online Research Before Making a Purchase Online

More Stats

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