How do you Search?

43% of E-Commerce Traffic comes from Organic Google Search

Wolfgang Digital


You can’t go to a search conference these days without hearing a digital media banshee decrying “The Death of SEO” from up on high. Our findings demonstrate this clearly isn’t the case with almost half (43%) of traffic coming from Google Organic. This figure has actually increased from 40% in our previous KPI study. Google AdWords ac-counts for one quarter of traffic (26%) and Direct is the third most popular traffic source delivering 17% of traffic. This direct traffic is typically made up of repeat visitors returning to the website (includ-ing repeat customers), traffic from above the line marketing activi-ties such as TV advertising and ‘dark traffic’

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A Typical Website Conversion Rate is about 2.35% on Average

The Average Order Value of B2C Online Order is $52

On Average, 52 Percent of Online Stores have Omnichannel Capabilities

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Average Click-thru Rate of Newsletter Campaigns from Ecommerce Stores to Customers is 4.6%

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