What are Omnichannel Capabilities?

On Average, 52 Percent of Online Stores have Omnichannel Capabilities



Today, most businesses are multichannel.

This means they sell to and communicate with customers through multiple channels. For example, you might have a website, Facebook Shop, Instagram account, and an email list.

Omnichannel is the next level up – and it’s the future of commerce.

This strategy involves not only having multiple channels but integrating them seamlessly and tracking individual customer interactions across the channels.

For this reason, the strategy requires organization and the integration of new technologies.

But, it’s tremendously powerful.

Omnichannel allows you to optimize your communications with potential customers to nurture them through the sales funnel however they come into contact with your business.

The Key Takeaway: Businesses that can create a seamless, personalized omnichannel experience for customers will own the future of commerce.

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